Type File virus
Creator Bumblebee
Date Discovered 2000?
Place of Origin Spain
Source Language Assembly
Platform MS Windows
File Type(s) .exe
Infection Length 2,796 bytes

Redalert, also known as Redal or Redart, is a harmless, parasitic 32-bit Windows virus coded by Bumblebee. It infects Portable Executables (PE) files. It did not appear in 29A magazine like most of his works. Under certain circumstances, the virus turns BMP images red.

The virus code contains the following text:
"[RedAlert.2796 coded by Bumblebee]"

There are some reports of the virus spreading through JPEG files and using two files ipx.exe and j42.jpg. This behavior has not been observed in our tests few further details are available.


Rozwiązania Bezpieczeństwa., Win32.Redart.

Pest Patrol, Win32.Redart.2796. 2004

Spyware Remove, Redart.2796. 28-MAR-2006

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