VLAD, an acronym for Virus Labs & Distribution, was a virus group and zine from the mid-1990s. Though based in Australia, it had a number of members from other parts of the world. Releases were irregular because of the time it took to come up with and implement innovative viruses, but the group produced eight issues over its almost three year run. Prominent viruses coming out of VLAD include Ph33r, BIOS Meningitis, Bizatch, and Staog. After eight issues, Qark handed control over th Quantum who opted to not continue work on VLAD.

The group had a policy to never write maliciously destructive code, so to not appear as computer vandals, which they believed would be both bad for the group as well as the scene.

The Aristotle Affair

For a while VLAD's site was based on the servers of Oregon State University. At some point before the third issue of VLAD was released in early summer of 1995, this site disappeared. The site had been seized and the student running the site was dismissed from the university. Apparently, Aristotle of NuKE'94 had tipped the FBI off to the fact that viruses and their creation had been discussed on that server.

Aristotle had announced his "retirement" from the group NuKE'94 and handed over leadership to Deathboy, allegedly believing it was time to go because law enforcement was going to begin targeting VX groups. Aristotle had apparently wanted to steal the VLAD name



VLAD, Virus Labs & Distribution.

Qark. VLAD April Fools Edition, Introduction. 1996.04.01

Qark. VLAD, Issue 1,Aims and Policies.

Metabolis. VLAD, Issue 2, Introduction. 1994.11.01

Metabolis. VLAD, Issue 3, Introduction. 1995.02.07

Qark. VLAD, Issue 7, Introduction. 1996.10.20

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